Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Are mistresses still chic?

So, yesterday, I received a a copy of "The New York Review of Books" for some reason. I wasn't impressed- I don't think that there was a single book reviewed that I would read, and those of you who know me, know I read nearly anything.
However, when you flip to the back of this periodical, you strike gold!
"Personal Services" and "Personals" make this publication worthwhile!
In "Personal Services," you can chose between "Sacred Erotic...The Incredible Lightness of Tough. Private, safe, tasteful," or "Erotic Explosion... Let me blow your mind, your ultimate erogenous zone. Provocative talk with educated beauty. No limits." Hmm...sounds like a zombie dating site (brains! braaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiinsssss!) And, sandwiched between these two ads, was "The Right Stuff- Date fellow graduates and faculty or the Ivies, Stanford, and a few other excellent schools." Interesting.
Now, in personals, there were several ads for people in boring marriages, looking for outside relationships. Now, get this- the age group for this ad? 65-75!! Strange.
The best ad, however, was from a self-described "scholar-adventurer...former revolutionary" looking for "long-term mistress or full second wife."
Now, this brings me to a relevant point, in light of Eliot Spitzer's link to a prostitution ring. Why don't American politicians just have mistresses instead of prostitutes? I mean, if you are spending $4000 on an hour or two with a prostitute, maybe once or twice a month, you could definitely swing an apartment, food, clothing, and presents for an established mistress. I think if the media found out about it, you could spin it into a nice, heartwarming story that will keep you in office (but maybe not with your wife).
For example, you can't spin the prostitute story too well, "I was trying to support these girls, who have no other transferable skill than sex. It's like the stripper who is paying for college."
Nah. Doesn't fly.
But with a mistress, "Well, ladies and gentlemen of the press, I am ashamed to admit it. I have loved two women in my life, and I cannot choose between them. Would you fault me for loving too much?" Make sure that there is "Titanic" music in the background.
Europeans have it right. Mistresses, not prostitutes!


 Brutus Buckeye said...

So lemme see if I get this straight. Are you telling Brutus Buckeye he can have a mistress as long as he doesn't visit any hookers?!!! »:)

Magistra said...

Brutus Buckeye better watch it or all he will have is a mistress. Who won't be the wife he has now.