Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So, about that three month hiatus...

I am back, with a new template on my blog, and everything s0rt of updated. I suppose I just lost interest in writing about mundane things, that weren't even that exciting to me. Now, I have a job lined up (teaching Latin, high school, in a district with tons of tech in the classroom!), have worked my last weekend at crappy part-time job (still a few evening classes to go), and have some great summer adventures lined up. Look forward to:

1. Crabs and Bikes Weekend- with some friends of BrutusBuckeye, we will be biking (not the crunchy kind of biking- we will be on Harleys) out in search of crabs, seafood, beer, and...vegetarian options (we have one in the group- I fear that coleslaw, hushpuppies, and iceburg lettuce is all that she may hope to find) at an authentic "shack." We will be heading out to Harris Crab House, across the bay from Annapolis (where we may have to stop as well), for some paper tablecloths and hammers (though I am looking for clams!). It should be a good time.

2. Week in Largo, Florida- with BrutusBuckeye's work. He will have to do some training, but I will be tagging along to sit on the beach all day and do a ton of nothing. Note: this is not Key Largo (a mistake we already made), but Largo, which is near Clearwater and St. Petersburg, FL. We are hoping to get a kitchenette suite room, on the beach (or within walking distance) of Indian Rocks or Clearwater, so we can drag down some pots and pans and cook dinner (hopefully, seafood), saving some money. We are, as you guessed (due to my distaste of flying), driving down- we will have to find some cheap joints to stop on the way up and down, and maybe see Charleston or other coastal places in GA and SC.

3. Week in Williamsburg, VA with BrutusBuckeye's parents. We will be staying in a condo, and touring the Colonial town, Yorktown, Jamestown, plantations on the James River, and Monticello. For a dork, this is heaven! Also, we want to stop at the Williamsburg Vinery- we sampled their wines at a local festival and it was lovely! We will be ending this trip at Busch Gardens, where we will hook up with my clan for:

4. Week in Emerald Isle, NC. The best vacation of the year! Beaches, good food, good company, and now they have a spa. Of course, walking on sand does wonders for your callouses, but so does a pedicure. Always a pleasure, and I don't have to miss out this year.

After all this, I begin work, but I am so excited about this job- I hope to settle into it for many years.
Look also for some posts on our travels of the past few months:

1. Loudoun County- vineyards, countryside, and beautiful views! Tarara Vineyards is rocking good- anyone who visits, must come here with us.

2. Cherry Blossom festival in DC and Indian food- good times and food had by all!

3. Great Falls National Park- where they may have found a body recently. Yikes!

4. Alexandria, VA- and an awful Spanish restaurant (that a Spaniard thought was delicious!)

5. Meadowlark Botanical Gardens- heaven! A good place to walk and smell the flowers (and watch the turtles- okay, I admit, I act like a 5 year old when I see wildlife)

6. Parents' Visit to DC- a walk from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial, a dinner at a swank French-Alsatian restaurant, a picnic at Tarara, and why wine-makers need to talk less about themselves and more about the wine.

7. Reston Wine Festival and Penang, DC- houchie mommas reign supreme when you people watch in DC on a Saturday night- plus, why we all feel really old when we try to have a drink in a college bar.

8. Mt. Vernon Wine Festival- George knew how to construct a house- what a view! Oh, and we had some great wine too!

9. Mt. Vernon, take two- we toured the estate, watched some bad-tempered sheep get loaded into a pick-up truck, got pissed off about student tour groups, had dirt-covered feet by the end of the day, and ate at a Republican-favored Chinese restaurant (with dirty feet). Good day!

10. Reston Farmer's Market- okay, so it is set on a lake (small lake) and a piazza, it has craft booths, and great produce- this could be a French market! Except, the "piazza" was built in the 60s, and consists of brick and cubist concrete architecture. So, French ideals, American crap architecture, and fabulous food that will feed us all summer!

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