Thursday, February 28, 2008

I am prolific today

So, I am waiting to teach my last evening class of the week (online style- which is really good as a new educational tool, but it too has its caveats- another day, another post), and I thought I would touch on some interesting websites I have seen recently.

1. Admittedly, this site it not for all. Many will jeer and yell "tree hugger!" within 30 seconds, but, hey, it was interesting to view. The site is a 20 minute movie/cartoon about stuff- how it is made, produced, sold, consumed, and thrown out. It is a very brief history of "stuff" but it does bring up some good points to be aware of. I have found myself overwhelmed by stuff since we moved, and I think I could do with a lot less stuff, and this website sort of brought it home to me. Again, not for all.

2. I love this site. A guy in Australia does a daily webcomic (it is not irregular- but if he forgets one day, well, the title does protect him! But I think that the content is more irregular...) using Legos and painted Dungeon and Dragon figures, which he positions, photographs, and photoshops. He has all types of difference threads (he mixes them up each day)- Indiana Jones, Steve Irwin, a modern Shakespeare, Death (one of my favorites), Mythbusters, and Dungeons and Dragons. Worth a look- there are almost 1900 comics, which you can access in an index. Beware! I got hooked and lost a few hours of my life back in December...But, what a clever idea!

3. 101 cookbooks- A new blog I have looked at, in which the author is trying out her cookbooks, instead of buying more. See, I love cookbooks too- but I keep making the same recipes and then buying new ones (just like this blog author does), so I guess it has inspired me to try new stuff- if we ever find the cookbooks in storage, that is!

4. the Minimalist blog on NyTimes- Mark Bittman. I like this guy, so reading about his food and his views of food is fun. I want to try his short ribs...yummm! I'm going to try to get his "How to Cook Everything Vegetarian" cookbook out of the library soon- while we are not veg in this household (in fact, one of us is pretty close to being a total carnivore if allowed), I always have a hard time spicing up veg side dishes or lunch dishes.

5. SCA- the Society for Creative Anachronism. People who have secret lives as Medieval people! I found this while trying to find some sewing ideas for togas/tunics (okay- yes, I was thinking of making one- but I teach Latin and its just to amuse the children. I don't need to reenact Rome with anyone...yet!) and stumbled onto their NE Pennsylvania chapter. Just give it a look.

That is all for now...I need to log on and get ready to talk about the joy of Sentence Completion sections and Short Passages based questions.

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