We are back in Emerald Isle, NC for the yearly family vacation- sadly, sans two (threeish) family members- ITWOP, Melissa, and Baby Girl. Due to Baby Girl's arrival in October, they weren't able to make the drive.
So far, it has been a typically fab few days. The drive down was the easiest so far. We started from our new hometown in VA at 5am on Sunday- we of course had a fill-up at DD prior to setting out. We hit nothing of traffic on 95 South, and pulled over for our Krispy Kreme fix (Dad had a record three donuts in one day, which might explain the 2.5 hour walk the next day...). We decided to stop for lunch in Oriental, NC at the Toucan Grill next to the Oriental Marina and Inn, where I just have to stay one day.and then took the Cherry Branch-Minnesott Beach Ferry to Cherry Point, NC, where Dad and Mom used to live, when stationed in the Navy. We hit a downpour on Nine Mile Road (or so we think it is called), arrived early on the island, and had to wait a little bit to get the key- grocery shopping was not so painful, but it was amusing to see the food that had been sold out (water, taco shells, organic snack foods). We stopped at the amazing Cap'n Willis Seafood, where we got some lovely Trigger Fish and preordered soft-shell crabs for Tuesday. We had a nice dinner of Trigger, yellow rice, and succotash (yum!). While taking our exploratory walk to the beach, we noticed that the beach in front of our condo, Point Emerald Villas, is vastly reduced from last year. The Point has gotten MUCH bigger, and the round house (always in danger of crashing into the water) has a nice chunk of sand.
More after some wine and soft-shelled crabs...